What Is It? Understanding Reputation Marketing:
How We Help You Win The "Word of Mouth" Game...

Successful Reputation Marketing

It's A New World

With changes happening rapidly online, you truly need to know about the challenges and choices that your business faces in the new digital Reputation Marketing world.

Traditionally, business has relied on "word of mouth" referrals (and that hasn't changed but...) You know that your reputation is essential to your business success...But it's less clear on how the digital world has dramatically changed the playing field for business owners. The game has got increasingly more sophisticated, complicated and – it must be frankly admitted – potentially dangerous and costly if handled incorrectly - or even worse, ignored. To truly understand this phenomenon and see how it affects the future of your business, we need to take a moment and look back to the past to see where we've come from...

The Dawn Of Time

In the days before the world changed, let's say it was the year 2001 - Word of mouth was a clear-cut, simple concept that hadn't changed much since the first Neanderthal got a good name for himself in the used Mammoth market. The system was very simple, You had a customer. You made that customer happy. That customer had an informal and formal network, friends, family and other people in town. That happy customershared their good news story with their network. you got a "Good Reputation" which led to another customer or a few more customers and so on. It was all a very simple matter of rinse and repeat...

But that was then and the changes facing business owners today can almost feel like you're dealing with an impending ice age...

Today The World Is Profoundly Different

Word of mouth now has given way to a new term, a new strategy and new tools, we call it Reputation Marketing. And this bold step forward is based on five core changes in the evolving marketplace: scope, credibility, strategy, control and scalability.

The Scope Has Changed...

Online reachPreviously, even if a satisfied customer of yours was very popular, there's a good chance that he or she couldn't influence more than a few dozen people - maybe even 30 or 50 - that had good points and there were bad points too but generally, any "old age reputation network" was comprised of immediate family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and the occasional random referral...But that was the extent of the scope available to the average customer.

Today however, the internet and incredible network infrastructure available to the average person, the formal and informal network has grown significantly. Today's customer has immediate influence and access to hundreds and in fact, thousands of people. We're living in an age where even strangers are casually called friends online and these friends blog, chat, email, Twitter and Facebook post to Thousands every day, in just a matter of seconds.

This dramatic change has forced Reputation Marketing into existence because another important phenomena beyond the simple actions of every day people, is the growth of business review based networks, systems and sites. You see them yourself every day. In fact, if you're like the average person, when you book a hotel room or you're looking for a  restaurant, it's now common to see what other 'reviewers' have to say about it online....Which of course brings us to the next point in the equation, and it's even bigger: We'll call this point, credibility.

The Quest For Credibility In This Online World

Never before in the history of our species have we been forced to and able to absorb so much information and so quickly. We're living in a world of information and publishing overload. On a typical day on the internet it can truly seem that more content, more information and more data is generated than in the entire scope of human history.

This deluge of information, data and news could force us into overload but thankfully the human brain has a very good strategy for dealing with information. Humans resourcefully start learning and discovering short cuts to manage everything and they do the very same thing with information.

In fact, for centuries, human beings would ask another human being their opinion. Until very recently, human beings relied on "word of mouth" from their family and friends to find a good restaurant, choose a doctor or any other type of business because human beings love short cuts.

Why search for something when somebody else could just tell you?

TrustHuman Beings Are A Trusting Species Because We're Busy...

Yes, human beings TRUST  recommendations from others, because quite frankly, we don't have the time or interest to find out otherwise, ourselves.

And of course what's even more interesting is the human tendency to interpret a published statement (whether it's audio, text or video...) to have even more credibility and this tendency really makes perfect sense...

Consider this point, if a person took the time to create, write or say something then it's most likely true - And in today's world, because we seriously need short cuts to navigate all this data, news and information overload, the reviews, opinions and words of others are more sought, needed and heeded than ever before.

Why? Again, it's because of information overload. We just simply need to trust it more, because quite frankly there simply isn't the time or resources to do otherwise. The advice, recommendations and insights we get from our friends, families and yes, absolute strangers influences us much more than ever before because otherwise, we simply couldn't function in this age of information overload...

Strangely, this need to take shortcuts, this instant access to information and emergence of a cultural expectation of immediate gratification has achieved for business precisely what you might have expected, the words of others are more credible and more important than ever before in human history.

So with all that in mind, a business owner now needs something very effective to manage all these emerging factors and of course that leads us directly to the key to success, strategy.

Reputation Marketing Demands A New Strategy

word of mouthIn ancient times, well before it mattered what Kim Kardashian was wearing or not wearing - And in the days when Twitter meant...Well, in the days when Twitter meant absolutely nothing...You already know that "word of mouth" and customer goodwill was a passive phenomena. If you provided a good product, service or solution then you could count on the fact that your satisfied customers would likely tell a few others about their experience.

That was how the world worked and there wasn't much anybody did or could do about it but now the world truly will never be the same again because as the world of information got bigger, the world itself got a whole lot smaller...

Now any satisfied customer has the ability and the inclination to tell the world about your business, their network is massive and we already know that even the opinion of a complete stranger is suddenly, wanted - and they're considered just as credible as your best friend. That's great news for business but...

It could also kill your business faster and more brutally than you ever thought possible because...

Anybody can now say anything they want online and anybody else can immediately see it and because of the nature of human beings, nearly everybody will believe it.

And for that reason, the number one important factor to you right now is : control.


"Control your own destiny or someone else will."
Jack Welch


Control Of Your Online Reputation Is Essential

The internet can seem chaotic at times...Anyone, at any given moment can give your business a bad review unless you completely take control of the process - That lack of control is precisely why we've developed our solution - Because unless you control your own destiny, you can be certain that the marketplace will decide it for you...

In the next section, you'll learn about what you can do to take control of the online review process and how we can help you eliminate the chaotic elements of the internet and truly turn negativity into profit...

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Our Comprehensive Report Let's You Get The Full Picture...And Get Control Of It Before It Destroys Your Business...

See what people say about your business. Learn how you can address bad reviews. Take control of your business reputation. See what your Reputation Score really is...And learn how you can quickly improve it...

Our exclusive report scans the entire internet to calculate your overall Reputation Score. Our proprietary software compiles a complete list of all negative and positive reviews about your business. And best of all, you'll receive free information about how you can ensure your 5 Star Reviews rise to the top to drown out negative comments and reviews that hurt your business...The complete report is available to you online, right now, simply click See Report and we'll immediately begin preparing your full report right now...

See Report


control your reputation

Unless you control your reputation, the market will create your reputation for you. Is that really how you should run your business?

You've worked hard to build your business and online Customer Reviews are quickly becoming the Number One Criteria for how businesses acquire new customers...
Most businesses aren't even aware of the sites or opinions that share customer experiences and reviews with new potential customers.

Reputation MarketingReputation Marketing Is Essential To Search Engine Optimization

Reputation Marketing is a key component of the 'new way' to effectively achieve Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO enhances the visibility of your businesses website, web pages and business profile within the search engines. Through this strategy, potential clients will be able to access your highly ranked site when they use unique keywords associated with your business.

The Two-Fold Power Of Positivity

Good reviews, opinions and positive posts about your business (Which we help you manage and acquire) are a powerful and proven way to achieve proven search engine optimization. When Reputation Marketing is combined with an effective search engine optimization strategy,  the effects are incredibly powerful. Not only will your site rise in the ranks of the search engine results but high-profile customer endorsements of your business deliver a power "One-Two Punch" over any other method of SEO or search marketing method.

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The Reputation Marketing Process
  • ReportGet The Facts

    See what people say about your business. Learn how you can address bad reviews. Take control of your business reputation. See what your Reputation Score really is...And learn how you can quickly improve it...

  • Reviews Customers Count

    Encourage a Reputation Marketing philosophy within your organization with our guidance, insight and support. We manage customer reviews for you, ensure they're 5 Star always and in the best locations.

  • Rank Reap The Results

    See your customer referral rates go through the roof, based on real, high-ranked customer reviews, opinions and recommendations. Increase your bottom line and rise in the ranks of the search engines too.

Our Team

  • Marketing Expertise
    15 Years Proven Experience

    Our team has created some of the most successful marketing innovations on the internet.

    We understand what it takes to develop and market businesses successfully online.

  • SEO Specialists
    The Persistance And Vision To Get You To The Top

    We Get Your Website To Page One - The only place to be online if you want to consistently reach your market.

    Natural (organic) search engine results - No ad scams, no paid-placement - We deliver real results that put your site ahead of your competition...

  • Customer Acquisition Solutions
    Proven, Results Driven ROI

    Our suite of customer acqustion solutions exceeds the industries highest standards.

    We produce performance-driven solutions that drive ROI for our clients and achieve the purest balance of quality and scale.

  • Conversion Experts
    Because Performance Matters

    We've delivered dramatic, measurable results for companies and organizations, from small to large, around the world.

    Turning web site traffic into qualified leads and new business is vital. We deliver results.

  • North American Based
    We Don't Outsource - It's That Simple.

    Your brand, your marketing is essential. We don't play dice with your reputation.

    Our team understands North American marketing sensibilities and sensivities. You simply cannot trust your marketing to individuals who don't know your market.

  • Proprietary Marketing Systems
    See Our Reports

    We believe in developing custom solutions to handle unique situations.

    Our review system and reporting software is proprietary and gives your business an inside edge.

  • 15 Years Experience
    On The Web, That's The Beginning Of Time

    We helped pioneer numerous markets and unique solutions.

    We understand the web as it exists today because we did our part to help build it.

  • Original Development
    Propritary Solutions Tackle Tough Problems

    Off The Shelf isn't always good enough for your business needs.

    We pride ourselves in our Research And Development to bring your business the best resources and tools.

  • Unique Solutions
    Your Business Deserves The Best

    Get your free report and see where you stand online.

    We think you'll quickly agree just how powerful our unique solutions really are...

  • Strong Track Record
    Our Clients Say It Best

    You're getting 15 years of software development, search engine optimization and marketing expertise.

    Our clients are local, national and multinational - They trust us to deliver the best - And we do.

Get Your Report

See what people say about your business and learn what you can do to help build your business through proactive Reputation Marketing...

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Learn about our company and why we're the leader in Reputation Marketing for your business...

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